Sunday, June 21, 2009

Grateful Sunday: Five Things

Five Things I'm Grateful for on this Sunday:

1. Air conditioning. Lord have mercy.. it's a hot one!! And I don't mean that in a Randy Jackson/ great performance kind of way. I mean it in a sweat-is-rolling-down-my-back-as-I-sit-still kind of way.

2. The grill. See above entry for why I am thankful to not have to turn on the oven this evening.

3. John Mayer's Continuum album. It never ever gets old -- everytime I listen feels like the first time. And it always makes me smile:)

4. That my kids are home. J & J spent a few days this week at G-Daddy & Mimi's house. I know they had a wonderful time and I'm so glad they got to spend quality time with their grandparents. But Lord was it quiet around here. I'm glad to have my little sugarbutts back.

5. My Dad. On this Father's Day, I'm feeling extra grateful for the fathers in my life. My Dad, who single handedly raised me by himself till I was five. Who taught me to be independent and self-sufficient by making me pump my own gas. And who made the most kick-ass unicorn lunch box for the Brownie's contest (and yes, I know we should have won. But the story probably wouldn't be as fun if we had:)).

And to my husband. The father of my babies. The massager of my constantly aching back. The man who asks what I'm reading when I know he doesn't really care:) The man who will hit my golf ball over the water for me so that I don't lose my shiny pink ball.

What are you grateful for on this Sunday?


shortmama said...

Awesome things to be grateful for! I hear ya on the grill, so much nicer then heating up the house

chelle said...

Your grateful things are awesome!!!!

I am not feeling grateful at all at the moment but I want to after reading yours .... I am grateful there should only be about 5 weeks till the baby is born!

Sam said...

Love the list! I'm grateful that we have a membership to the pool. The humidiy is really kicking my butt.

Cyndi said...

#3 - YES!!!!

Oh yeah, and the others are pretty good too. :)